In the year 2000 Pastor Raymond Pranoto established a prayer tower located in the business district of downtown Washington D.C. For twelve years the prayer tower operated faithfully and did so many prayer walks in downtown Washington D.C. and in other states in America and in nations as well.
In September 2012, the first Prayer Tower Movement Conference was held in Washington, D.C. This event was hosted by Pastor Pranoto, with guest speaker Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, the senior pastor of Indonesian Bethel Church in Indonesia. At that time, Indonesia has 35 prayer towers operating 24/7.
After the conference, the prayer tower in Washington D.C. was made official as DC Prayer Tower, operating daily, and is open to all body members of Christ.
As of today, DC Prayer Tower has networked with various prayer organizations in the Washington D.C. area and in nations. DC Prayer Tower then started to go to other states in America and different nations to do seminars and trainings on prayer tower. They travelled to Japan, Sri Lanka, and India. They also did training among the Philippines and Hispanic communities in America. As a result of these trainings, prayer towers have been established in some cities in America and other nations such as San Bernardino, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Hyderabad and Guntur, India; Sydney, Australia; and Yokohama, Japan.